Get a More Defined Jawline with Juvederm Volux

Juvederm Volux

The Perfect Product for Modelling and Sculpting

Achieve a Stronger, Chiseled Jawline

Juvederm Volux is the perfect product for modelling and sculpting your jawline. With its dense molecular composition, Volux offers more structure, cohesivity and lift capacity than other products. Volux injections can help you achieve a stronger, chiseled, and more defined jawline, contour the lower face to achieve facial harmony, soften jowls, and improve the appearance of a double chin.

FDA-Approved Hyaluronic Acid-Based Filler

Juvederm VoluxJuvederm Volux is the first FDA-approved hyaluronic acid-based filler to target the jawline. Studies from the EU show that Volux can last up to 2-3 years, making it a great choice for those looking for long-lasting results. Julie, Skin Renaissance, is a big fan of Volux, and it has quickly become her favorite injectable for her patients.

Get the Look You Want

With Juvederm Volux, you can get the look you want with long-lasting results. Whether you're looking to achieve a stronger, chiseled jawline or contour the lower face to achieve facial harmony, Volux can help you get the look you desire. With its dense molecular composition and FDA-approval, Volux is the perfect product for modelling and sculpting your jawline.

Juvederm Volux        Juvederm Volux

Results may vary from person to person depending on factors such as: skin type, skin sensitivity, complexion and follow up treatment as well as precautions take prior to and after treatment.