Matrix IR Fractional


How does Matrix IR photorejuvenation work?

The Matrix IR applicator uses a proprietary synergy of light and conducted Bi-Polar RF to create the deep thermal heating needed to both shrink and generate new collagen while protecting the epidermis.

The Matrix IR combines a diode (915 nm) laser matrix, bi-polar conducted radio frequency energy and intense epidermal cooling. Use of this combination of modalities results in overlapping light beams penetrating deep into the dermis to a depth of up to 2.5 mm to pre-heat the target tissue, and the RF energy being drawn to the target. This puts the thermal zone where it is effective for wrinkle treatment, while being gentle on the epidermis.

During treatment with elōs fractional, the combination of laser energy and conducted RF energy induces skin injury that is maximized in micro-thermal zones (regions of greatest energy intensity) with an accelerated healing process supported by the tissue surrounding the micro-thermal zones. As a result, there is virtually no downtime with elōs fractional treatments.
Matrix IR Fractional

Results may vary from person to person depending on factors such as: skin type, skin sensitivity, complexion and follow up treatment as well as precautions take prior to and after treatment.